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Wobble Stool for children - Wigli Junior Soft Seat:

Wiebelkruk Wigli Junior rood - Wiebelkruk voor kinderen tabouret oscillant Wigli junior- wiebelkruk vor kinderne met concentratieproblemen Wackelhocker für das Kind mit Konzentrationsproblemen
Wiebelkruk Wigli Junior rood - Wiebelkruk voor kinderen tabouret oscillant Wigli junior- wiebelkruk vor kinderne met concentratieproblemen Wackelhocker für das Kind mit Konzentrationsproblemen
Wobble Stool for children - Wigli Junior Soft Seat:
The wobble stool for the overactive child who has trouble concentrating. Children with concentration problems such as ADHD, ADD etc. can move freely on the Wigli so that they can concentrate better.

Estimated delivery time

2 working days

€ 249,00 *
Price per per piece
Through movement, children can concentrate better
Many children find it difficult to sit still. They want to move and constantly change their posture. Forced sitting still feels like they're stuck in a corset that limits freedom of movement.

A balance chair from Wigli offers children complete freedom of movement. Children with concentration problems are better able to get rid of their movement restlessness and they stay in their chair or stool longer. As a result, they will pay more attention to their work or the classroom teacher. And they will seek less distraction from children around them.
Active sitting also promotes the development of back and abdominal muscles.

The Wigli Junior is particularly suitable for education settings:
• Height adjustable from 31 to 46 cm in conformity with European standards for school furniture; 
• The carriage is made of enamelled steel and stainless steel;
• Easily stowed on the desk (upside down).


Research in children with concentration problems

The use of the Wigli has been investigated by the Seminary for Special Needs Education. Researchers at the Seminary saw a markedly increased task orientation in children with concentration problems when they were on the Wigli. Read the full report here. (Dutch)

The Wigli Junior Sort Seat is particularly suitable for educational institutions:
• Height adjustable with the well-known color codes according to European standards for school furniture
• The base is made of enamelled steel and stainless steel;
• Easy to store on the desk (upside down).

Height adjustability Wigli Junior
Schools can try the Wigli for free for a month. Click here for more information

Designer: Aad van Dommelen